management of labour slideshare

Abstract and Figures. completely understood (Figure 13-2). 086-214- Website: NEW NORMAL SYLLABUS IN GE-AA ART APPRECIATION 2 nd Semester, AY 2021 - 2022 PHILOSOPHY Strategic Management Lecture 2 SlideShare. This improves the labour relations. First stage of labor. Principle of Effective Utilisation of Human Resources: The advent of industrial revolution in the middle of the 18th century had its impact on management. Semi-recumbent or Supported sitting position, with the thighs abducted 2. Principle of Fair Reward: Labour should be given proper compensation for the work. fff2.Active Phase of Labor: uterus contracts more frequently and the pain is maximum. It describes medical management for different clinical scenarios based on a woman's obstetric history, medical history and her personal preferences.

make the workers dutiful and disciplined. In all honesty, labor and birth are a mystery in many ways. conducting activities providing education to the workers. Position Held: founded the mining company 'Compagnie de Commentary-Fourchambault-Decazeville' and became its managing director in 1888. The concept of industrial relations is a part of the science of management. The second component is the applicant population which refers . Once preterm labor is confirmed, a single course of corticosteroids (betamethasone or dexamethasone) is the only intervention for improving neonatal outcomes. (2) Oxytocin is the first agent of choice for PPH prophylaxis because of its high efficacy and a low incidence of associated side effects. The third stage of labour is an important event in labour. Preparation 1. Discipline. Expectant or physiological management of the third stage is popular in Northern European countries, in parts of the . ; Discuss the risks and benefits of both options with the woman, and make a shared decision on which treatment is . LABOUR Made By Dr. Safa Kokab. The Payments of Gratuity Act, 1972. Maternal exhaustion: The mother is feeling weak and fatigued.

Many of them are also animated. In Friedman's landmark studies of 500 nulliparas [] , he subdivided the first stage into an early latent phase and an ensuing active phase.The latent phase begins with mild, irregular uterine contractions that soften and shorten the cervix. It is interesting to note that in 1966, 49 percent of the disputes were related to wages and bonus. Management includes measures taken for prevention of infection and the currently available vaccines and possibility of their use during pregnancy. Electrical activity of the myometrium (EMG activitytop trace) is responsible for uterine contractions.

5. First Stage of Labour>Active procedures<br />d. Nutrition:<br />>When labour is established no oral feeding is allowed, but sips of water.<br />> 15 ml magnesium trisilicate is given every 2 hours as an oral antacid to guard against bronchospasm occurs if the acid vomitus is inhaled during general anaesthesia "Mendelson's syndrome".

(>37 weeks' gestation) offer IOL, or alternatively offer expectant management for a maximum of 24 hours (any longer increases the risk . Other physical symptoms such as unbearable back pain, high pulse rate, and a tender uterus also warn of a prolonged labour. Parity affects this process: Parous patients who have had a . Checking your baby during labour.

responsibly of trade union make an efforts to establish good relationship between management and workers. A Workers' Camp Management Plan addresses specific aspects of the establishment and operation of workers' camps. The first group includes: epidural analgesia, gas for pain control and intravenous . The four-hour suggestion, however, puts babies at risk. LABOUR - Physiological process the products of conception passed from uterus to outside world. I.

sulfate injections for more than 5-7 days to stop preter m labor in pregnant women. A patient is in labour when she has regular (at least 1 contraction every 10 minutes) painful uterine contractions with: Cervical changes (i.e. The decision between delivery and expectant management depends on fetal gestational age, maternal and fetal status at time of initial . Principle of Joint Management: This creates responsibility in the labour with increasing mutual faith and friendship.

Feel free to share with your colleagues as well. Special care of women during delivery including monitoring and treatment place and plan of treatment is .

Labor . Increase in cost of living was the main cause of the demand of dearness allowance by the workers to equate their wages with the rise in prices. For next pregnancy ANC Early admission C. Excessive uterine Gontraction and retraction During labor there islline between upper and lower segment physiological retraction ring. cervical effacement and/or dilatation) or; Rupture of the membranes or; The show; Note The show is the endocervical mucus plug and consists of mucus that is blood stained. AIMS 1)History 2)Examination 3)Fetal assessment 4)Management of first stage 5)Management of second stage 6)Management of third stage 3. During labor, cardiotocographic monitoring is often employed to monitor uterine contractions and fetal heart rate over time. Dyspnea occurs in anemia because the body is starving for oxygen that should have been carried by . Labour Welfare are all meant for increasing labour productivity through all-round development of labour. They are all artistically enhanced with visually stunning color, shadow and lighting effects.

Dyspnea occurs in anemia because the body is starving for oxygen that should have been carried by . with personnel management.

A. The first stage of labor begins with the onset of regular uterine contractions and ends with complete cervical dilation. This chapter describes the management of pregnant women infected with COVID-19. The stages of labor are often thought to be a mystery. Indian Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. During the latent phase, irregular contractions become progressively coordinated, discomfort is minimal, and the cervix effaces and dilates to 4 cm.

1) To provide better and safe life and health to the employee. Preterm labour and new management guidelines 1. fff2.Active Phase of Labor: uterus contracts more frequently and the pain is maximum. The latent phase of labor is complex and not completely understood by modern science. 2-Suture the episiotomy or any laceration. Human Resource Management Human Resource Management includes all activities used to attract & retain employees and to ensure they perform at a high level in meeting organizational goals. (6-9). Divided into latent and active phases 4 The latent phase is considered prolonged if it lasts longer than 20 hours in a nullipara, or 14 hours in a parous woman The active phase starts with 3cm and 4cm cervical Payment of Bonus Act, 1965. 42+ Management Of Anemia In Pregnancy Slideshare Images. "The aetiology of preterm labour remains unknown, prediction lacks specificity, prophylaxis is unhelpful, diagnosis is difficult and the benefits and risks of tocolytic therapy are still being debated"1 The above quote testifies to the complexity of preterm labour, a process that ultimately results in considerable neonatal morbidity and mortality. Important points to note in history are: SPONTANEOUS IN ONSET AND AT TERM 2.

It considers all workers who are offering their skills and services for employment regardless of the industry they are in. Abnormal labor patterns in the first and second stage are defined as either protraction or arrest disorders. Caesarean birth. Administration and application of the personnel of the personnel policies and programs adopted by management 2. Consequence of Abnormal Labor Short Term On the Mother: Postpartum hemorrhage. MANAGEMENT OF THIRD STAGE OF LABOUR: Delivery of the Placenta & Membrane. It is an important requisite for smooth running of the enterprise. Labor is the process whereby the birth canal is prepared to allow the baby to pass from the uterine cavity to the outside world. Various methods are available for resolving disputes. Observation III.

It is . At that time, the company was nearly bankrupt. 3, 12, 23 - 25.

History. Protracted labor stages indicate that labor is progressing but at a slower pace than expected. The first stage is when your cervix is opening and your baby is moving down the birth canal. Members of the Management - Labor Relations practice bring nearly 100 years of experience handling all phases of unique and varied labor law matters. This principle applies that subordinate should respect their superiors and obey their order. DEFINING LABOR SERIES OF EVENTS THAT TAKES PLACE IN THE GENITAL ORGANS IN AN EFFORT TO EXPEL THE VIABLE PRODUCT OF CONCEPTION OUT OF THE WOMB THROUGH VAGINA INTO THE OUTER WORLD IS CALLED AS LABOR . f The pains sometimes start at the back and radiates down to the thighs. Studies often ignore evaluation of this phase of labor because determination of onset is subjective. A Labor Influx Management Plan addresses specific activities that will be undertaken to minimize the impact on the local community, including elements such as worker codes of conduct, training programs on HIV/AIDS, etc. Normal labor results in descent and eventual expulsion of the fetus. According to Fayol, "Discipline means sincerity, obedience, respect of authority & observance of rules and regulations of the enterprise". These activities are made up of 1. which deals with the human resources of an enterprise, and hence, is closely linked. 9. Check out our SlideShare to find their top four most common responses and why employees care. 2. management of the third stage of labour (AMTSL) as a critical intervention for PPH prevention.

Plot the progress of any patient in labor, and evaluate it on a labor curve (see images . Managing pain in labour. Any patient in labor is at risk for abnormal labor regardless of the number of previous pregnancies or the seemingly adequate dimensions of the pelvis. Haematological disorders PACES - Station 5 from The uterus becomes hard and more prominent as the pain increases and softer as the uterus relaxes. Active management of the third stage of labor involves prophylactic uterotonic treatment, early cord clamping and controlled cord traction to deliver the placenta. Whilst most women will go into labour spontaneously by week 42 of gestation, roughly 1 in 5 pregnancies will require an induction. Pre-scientific Management Period. 7,8; Perinatal asphyxia. 3.

labor require endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine interac-tion between the fetus, membranes, placenta, and mother.

Arrest disorders indicate the complete cessation of the progress of labor. The first stage begins with regular uterine contractions and ends with complete cervical dilatation at 10 cm. Dr. Sourav Chowdhury Senior Resident Preterm Labour 2. The SlideShare family just got bigger.

Abstract. Labor Relations as a Personnel Management Function 1. Evaluate every pregnant patient who presents with contractions in the labor and delivery unit. Industrial revolution brought about a complete change in the methods of production, tools and equipments, organization of labour and methods of raising capital. Although delivery is always appropriate for the mother, it may not be optimal for the fetus that is extremely premature. 2. 2, 8, 13 If she desires continued expectant management, antenatal . Stages of labor There are 3 stages of labor. MANAGEMENT 2nd STAGE OF LABOUR I. ; Ketosis: This is a complication of dehydration, and a lack of carbohydrates (or glucose) for energy in the body, which results in abnormal .

Till recently, terms such as "personnel management", "industrial relations", and "labour relations" were used as synonyms and as interchangeable . NORMAL LABOR (EUTOCIA) LABOR IS CALLED AS NORMAL IF IT FULFILS FOLLOWING CRITERIA 1. Maternal position: With the exception of avoiding supine position, the mother may assume any comfortable position for effective bearing down. MGM J Med Sci 2014;1(1):22-37. Conduct of delivery 38. This is called expectant management of third stage of labour.

to assist in the development of industries by increasing the productivity. Uterine contraction occurs after every 3-5 minutes and lasts for more than a minute.

Payment of Wages Act, 1936. 1 Strategic management Management means manage and past tense of mend which emphasizes the resources should be ready to use. 3,4; Shoulder dystocia. Labour or Industrial Relations. Abnormal third-stage labor warrants intervention when the placenta .

In sheep, term labor is initiated through activation of the fetal . Each woman will have a different labor experience, and yet many parts are the same. Haematological disorders PACES - Station 5 from A Presentation Report on Labor - Management Relations Nilda Sudario, MGM Professorial Lecturer Ronald D. Ravelo Professorial Lecturer SlideShare emplea cookies para mejorar la funcionalidad y el rendimiento de nuestro sitio web, as como para ofrecer publicidad relevante. Active phase labor is a time of rapid change in cervical dilatation, effacement, and station. Birthing techniques such as hydrotherapy, hypnobirthing, patterned breathing, relaxation, and visualization can increase the production of endogenous endorphins that bind to receptors in the brain . 42+ Management Of Anemia In Pregnancy Slideshare Images.

Below you will find a crash course in the stages of labor, what each does, the parameters of each, and some average events of each stage. The second stage is when your baby is being born and the third stage is when the placenta is delivered. 3-Estimate blood loss, count swabs, and take cord blood for Hb, blood group, Rh, bilirubin, and coomb's test for Rh negative mother. Once preterm labor is confirmed, a single course of corticosteroids (betamethasone or dexamethasone) is the only intervention for improving neonatal outcomes. The management of arrested labor is controversial.

Active management of labour is practised routinely in the UK, Australia and New Zealand, although with the emergence of a strong midwifery influence expectant/physiological management is now often used by midwifery practitioners.

Induction of labour (IOL) is the process of starting labour artificially. IV-Post Delivery: 1-examine the placenta for their completeness, anomalies, length, and number of vessels in the cord and record the placental weight. Nonpharmacologic Pain Management During Labor Comfort measures that provide natural pain relief can be very effective during labor and childbirth. . Administration of the collective bargaining contracts with the union 3. A dispute, therefore, needs to be settled as early as possible. 3 It is . As a result of the 2012 meeting, WHO has issued new recommendations regarding AMTSL, which can be used to strengthen and Women in active phase labor: Are at least 4 cm dilated. Read free for 60 days Increased risk of infection (prolonged labor) Increased rate of difficult operative delivery. The 1st stage from onset of labor to full dilation of the cervix (about 10 cm)has 2 phases, latent and active. Uterine contraction occurs after every 3-5 minutes and lasts for more than a minute. Managing anemia in 1st stage of labour: Anemia in pregnancy by kerryn rohit 18068 views. Normal labor: spontaneous in onset, at term, vertex presentation, natural termination without any complications affecting the health of the mother and/or newborn.

management of labour slideshare

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